Goodbye Europe, aloha USA.

this is the end

'Twas the morn' before leaving,

And all through the dorm,

There was quite the activity,

But that was the norm.

A month and a morning

I'd lived in this place,

Now I am wiser,

With hair on my face.

I'm sorry to go,

Vienna will miss me,

I'm packing my bags,

But I feel a bit twisty.

August 31: Thursday

And I feel all twisty because it's all coming to an end, now. Happened fast, but also took a very, very long time. 

I had to get up early on a lot of points on this trip, but it was still hard to get used to this morning. I've got half a day's travel ahead of me, and I really wish that instead, I could crawl back into the bed (with it's weird too-big-for-the-case pillow) and sleep for a few more hours, wake up, take in the light, go to a cafe, and see what's on the agenda.

But hey, agenda's over now.

I feel like it's a human characteristic to look back on a period of time like this and think back on what didn't happen or what could've happen. Those were my first, involuntary thoughts. But I don't think that's a good way to see things. Because dang - I did quite a bit.

For example, I:

Talked politics with a pair of Catholic priests in a wine garden,

Took, according to my phone, 341 photos and 46 videos,

Sprinted full-speed to get to a performance in the Opera House, and made it in the nick of time,

Hiked some of the Alps,

Got pretty lost in Vienna,

Ate blood sausage and enjoyed it almost too much,

Drank wine and definitely enjoyed it too much,

Saw the car that Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in,

Had a bunch of frank, earnest discussions about life with many new friends.

And so, I'd say the trip was worth it.

But dang, I still have an essay to write once I get home....

I think I look better than I did back on July 30.
